Tuesday, August 21, 2007

"It's not that liberals are ignorant, it's what they know that is wrong."

A short clip and a cartoon for your entertainment and enlightenment:

Romney on why liberal philosophy has got it all wrong. (click on "Romney: Philosophy of strength")

Obama As President
Most people I know would make a better president than this guy.
And I love how Castro is on life support and Kim Mentally Unstable Jong II is uber short.

I know I have been remiss in posting but as the school year commences, posts may be few and far between.
I think the site will take a new format: one post a week. This way I will organize my thoughts better, and give you a more quality post. We'll see how that works for a while and go from there.

Coming up:
- A series on global warming/climate change as I have just discovered notes from a conference I went on the issue. Very interesting stuff, prepare for a solid challenge to the conventional wisdom (which is almost always wrong, it's pretty safe to assume that).
- An update on my PBS exploits.

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