Go figure: Pelosi pretends she's president and arranged meetings with foreign heads of state. Ok maybe Congressional leadership is allowed to do that but they are NOT allowed to convey false messages and attempt to broker peace deals. Read about it here.
So the latest example is Clinton forgetting what she said a couple months ago. Once she forgets what she said, she says the opposite. Who can blame her? It's hard to keep your opinions straight when your busy sliding across the spectrum depending on who you are addressing. Hillbillary even has the strange ability to change race at will.
Ok, what happened you ask? Well these two links were on the Drudge Report, and they looked something like this:
April: Clinton calls for US to meet with enemies
I think it is a terrible mistake for our president to say he will not talk with bad people. You don't make peace with your friends -- you have to do the hard work of dealing with people you don't agree with.
June: Clinton criticizes Obama for suggesting US meet with enemies
Certainly, we're not going to just have our president meet with Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez and you know, the president of North Korea, Iran and Syria, until we know better what the way forward would be.
Nice work Billary. (ya I cant really decide on a nickname) You really have to hand it to her, she presents a solid, united front to the voters. No one really doubts where she stands. Hopefully this is true, hopefully everyone realizes she is an extreme leftist socialist who should be marginalized if not removed from the political landscape for her ridiculous assertions.
Like this one.
She says: "We have no idea of how these people think, we have no contact with them" Really Senator? We have no idea what our enemies are thinking? Maybe you dont because you are too busy oscillating political opinions and attempting to be all sorts of things that you are not.
But for the rest of America it is clear what our enemies think, that is why they are our enemies! She is incredibly naive to think we can talk with insane despots such as Ahmadinejad and Chavez. They deserve nothing less than a bunker buster to the face, and people that insist otherwise forget the lessons of the last century.
It looks like we will have to learn all over again with Iran anyway. The danger signs are clear: crazy ideology, check (repeated calls for the annihilation of a sovereign nation), expressed desire to kill us (great satan etc), actions toward both of those goals (the Lebanon war last year, their support of insurgents and Al Queda in Iraq, kidnapping of British sailors), and pursuit of nuclear technology and weaponry.
How much clearer does it need to be?
And this woman wants to be president? What kind of a leader would she be if she has to send envoys to our known enemies to figure out their intentions?
In this age of terror, vibrant terror networks, rogue extremist states pursuing nukes, and an extremely important war in which our troops are valiantly fighting, we need a solid President who has a grasp of what our enemies intend to do: inflict harm. And a solid President who knows what to do to confront such an enemy. You dont send diplomats to Nazi Germany, you send battalions. You dont send envoys to an extremist Iranian regime almost armed with nukes, you send stealth bombers. A President that understands that will be able to effectively lead the country.
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