Thursday, November 12, 2009
Three Questions
Why is no one evaluating the effectiveness of the $700B+ unprecedented porkulus package that Americans believe has failed?
Where is the outrage at the government takeover of General Motors and the free $62B they received in taxpayer subsidies?
Can anyone explain the absolute silence from the media on Iraq? I have an idea. We have succeeded, contrary to Democratic opinions in 07 and 08. I am glad their investments in defeat did not pay off. Don't believe we have succeeded? Our combat troops are taking dance lessons, they're so bored.
The Nature of our President
Some of these came from carefully planned speeches, some are off the cuff. Should they be dismissed as meaningless, or should they inform our opinions on this community-organizer president? You're a voter, you be the judge.
“I won.” The "change" and bipartisanship brought to Washington by Pres. Obama in response to a Republican's challenge to the $700B porkulus package - January 2009.
"Harry, I have a gift." In response to Sen. Harry Reid's congratulations to a freshman Sen. Obama.
"I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess." At a campaign rally for big loser Creigh Deeds, August 7, 2009.
"I Have Not Said That I Was a Single-Payer Supporter … I believe it would be too disruptive" At an August 11, 2009 town hall meeting.
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program ... a single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that’s what I’d like to see. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately." Obama speaking to the Illinois AFL-CIO, June 30, 2003.
"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, it's the Post Office that's always having problems." At the aforementioned town hall meeting on healthcare, intended to mean that private companies can compete with a 'public option'.
“What I think is appropriate is that in the same way that everybody has to get auto insurance and if you don’t, you’re subject to some penalty ... there’s nothing wrong with a penalty.” In a November 9, 2009 interview with ABC. Nevermind the fact that you can opt out of car insurance by not buying a car, and it is a state law to buy car insurance, not a federal mandate. Oh, sorry, I'll stop commenting.
"So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy towards people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." At San Francisco fundraiser, April 6, 2008
"In Africa, you often see that the difference between a village where everybody eats and a village where people starve is government. One has a functioning government, and the other does not. Which is why it bothers me when I hear people say that government is the enemy. They don't understand its fundamental role." Profile in The Independent Magazine, March 10, 2007.